Saturday, 21 March 2009
Back in the Uk
We had a good trip back and I finally got home at 9.30-ish.
Grenoble airport
During all this the couple must have been clearly able to see the many notices about no ski boots (or helmets) in handluggage - they were on the screens and on large signs on every check-in desk. Yep, you guessed it - next thing the check-in guy asks them is what's in their rather large handluggage ......!! The bloke then starts repacking their luggage, by now having positioned himself and his possessions across the entrance to TWO check-in conveyer belts with stuff everywhere, totally oblivious to the bottleneck he was creating. The staff just looked on with bemused expressions. Thinking all was done, he then replaces his handluggage on his trolley at which point the wife asks if he doesn't need to check his boots in too as well as hers .....!
We meanwhile were trying, with the group of blokes behind us to whom we'd been chatting, to stifle the giggles - we were early enough that there was no concern about time! Eventually they got sorted and I got my bag on the belt and horrors, it said 15.4Kg though Margaret's travel scales had said it was 14.8 when packed. As we watched though, doing only a partial job of resisting the giggling, the scale repeatedly went up to 15.6 and down to 15.0 randomly while the blokes were helpfully recommending the opening of the bag and removal of the largest knickers I could find to reduce the weight! The check-in guy, although not entirely sure of the content of the humour in the conversation (probably just as well) was smiling along quite happy with my bag's weight and we all then completed check in uneventfully.
On getting to security though, I was asked if my bag could be searched and the chap stuck in a gloved hand, and withdrew it, looked at what he had hold of and said, in a surprised tone "oh, it's an orange"! I still am not sure what he thought it might have been!
Au Revoir Les Deux Alpes
Friday, 20 March 2009
Last day for most of us ....
Despite the weather not being so good we all had a good day today. It was -10C last night so it was an icy start with strong winds that caused both White & red eggs to be closed. The more advanced lesson group had gone up to Cretes but retreated back downhill for more pleasant conditions.
After the very heavy slushy snow yesterday afternoon I was quite unnerved by the icier start today. However the Easiski magic soon began to work as our lesson got going and the confidence came back as we worked on lots of flexing including doing little bounces round turns and on traverses.
We ended with a trip across the lower pistes and a video session on Limacon. Then rather than go for lunch I took up the invitation to go along on the group 1 expedition around the Village area and up the chair to the Desmoiselles. During this Charlotte asked me to lead them down a section while she filmed meaning I had to try to set an appropriate pace and course. Afterwards she pointed out my skis were nicely parallel when they should be for many of the turns.
I think I can honestly say that everyone has learned a lot and we've had a most enjoyable time. Charlotte has worked tirelessly with limitless patience, sympathy where needed and most importantly supportive constructive criticism and genuine praise where merited. We learned to accept this praise and focus on positive achievement instead of being too self critical. At times I started a lesson feeling very apprehensive but before long would be achieving something and the grin would be back. I cannot remember feeling anything but elated at the end of each lesson.
Many thanks also must go to Cathy at the Lutins for letting the non residents use her bootroom and giving us a central post ski base with the use of a tv on which to play back and review videos.
So when's the next trip???
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Now that's what I call a blue sky!
Cretes was very cold and windy so I hastily retreated back down for warmer gloves before the lesson. Our last 2 folks arrived safely despite the French ATC strike - shame they could only make it for a few days but better that than not at all.
After our lesson which was very enjoyable despite the cold we decided to go to the lower slopes to practise where group 1 were being taught. While we were finishing a very late lunch consisting of the last waffles in the cafe I got a phonecall - it was Charlotte. Group 1 had spotted us and were repeatedly skiing the tennis court terraces where I'd previously so spectacularly face-planted, waiting for us to go and watch. I hastily made my way over to watch and as I arrived Charlotte immediately led the group down the terraces - I had no choice but to nonchalantly follow & ski the terraces myself! I must admit they seemed only half the size they were before. It was great to see how confidently group 1 were skiing them and in slushy heavy snow too. It was definitely much more difficult to ski in slush than the better snow higher up, but down low it was warm and not windy.
We ended the day with our first meal out. We would all recommend the place for good food and very pleasant, helpful staff. It was La Bougie, which is opposite the Marche U. It cost us €20 each for wine, main course and sweet, including a tip.
I really can't believe tomorrow is our last day.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The more advanced group did lots of work on the glacier slopes including climbing over the snow "walls" that stop snow being blown around too much. While doing that Judith gave them a big fright, by falling heavily and taking rather a while to reassure them she was ok. Charlotte later said she doesn't need to do things for adrenaline hits as moments like that provide her all that she needs!
Off piste!
I had barely tried any sideslipping before this and was grateful for Charlotte skiing along side me for the descent, though she said all she did was make sure I kept going and didn't suddenly panic and freeze - wonder why she thought I might - think she knows me!
Monday, 16 March 2009
The glacier this afternoon
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Another blue sky day!
I am definitely gaining confidence and with it more speed and am pleased to say my relationship with chairlifts has improved to the point that today I went on one with a rather nice French flight
attendant who told me all about his ski hols with his girlfriend and at the end I just nonchalently skied off without much thought! If you've never had issues with a chairlift you won't understand the import of this for me perhaps.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
We eventually met today's new arrivals, one of whom was a bit delayed as her bus driver managed to have a minor collision with another bus down by the red eggs. They got settled in while I spent a very pleasant couple of hours down at Charlotte's enjoying the peaceful location and making Ioda's acquaintance. He truly is adorable.
Sad to see friends leave
Friday, 13 March 2009
Final evening
Steve has kindly offered to copy everyone's pics and the video footage and post them to us.
Last Day of week 1!
The weather was stunning today. Caroline & I skied the Puy Salie down from the top of the funicular and loved every minute of it, not wanting it to end. It was nearly as much fun as playing "teapots" with Charlotte, honest it was! (see pic!). Caroline says she is going to post something on SnowHeads about Butterfly - hmm!
Our beginner group did very well today, with two managing to ski the path from the Red Eggs to the Cretes restaurant. It's a lot nicer today than the day my group skied it in horrid weather, with the wind blowing the snow around so much we had to stay close together to keep each other in sight. This shows the last section of the path just before it reaches the Cretes. You have to be going "so fast you are scared" by the time you reach the part in the bottom left of the pic, or you have to pole the last section as it goes uphill towards the end.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Later on we went up the glacier to see the view and have a drink on the terrace of the restaurant up there. Fuelled by vin chaud, Caroline & I skied Signal with Steve & Richard but were not keen on the state of the path back to the restuarant from the top of the Signal chair - it's a narrow-ish track which is normally fine but today it had large ridges of snow blown onto it creating a switchback course - we managed just about to plough the remaining narrow gulley having negotiated a few humps that we couldn't avoid. All good experience!
Lovely weather!
This is some of us sitting in the lovely sunshine outside the Cretes restaurant - a favourite meeting point.
It has a snack bar near these outside tables which serves hot/cold drinks and things like hotdogs. Upstairs is a self service restaurant and a huge outdoor terrace with wonderful views, part with tables, part with deckchairs. Very nice!
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
The sun's back!
We took the green path through the Village, up the Petite Aiguille chair, down a section of Desmoiselles and up the Village chair to the Petites Cretes. After the lesson we practised on Petites Cretes, managing to ski its full length without stopping which was a first for me. Then we finished by crossing onto the blue Cretes at the top of the Petites, and bombed back across to the lift with minimal poling needed.
Others have had a good day too - Group 3 succesfully conquered some powder that looked knee deep in their pics..
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
We must be nuts!
Tuesday - day 3
Monday, 9 March 2009
From sun to murk!
My group stayed on the Viking and Gentiane but Charlotte then decided we should ski down the terraces where the tennis courts are. Well the first time, going straight in a plough it was ok, but when it came to doing it with parallel skis on the diagonal with a large bumpy bit of snow part
way ...........!!
Yes I proved that Charlotte was dead right about if you look at something you'll ski towards it - that large lump of snow that I wanted to avoid and focused my attention on became my destination and I did the most spectacular face plant. Oops!! At least I know know my bindings release as supposed to! I wasn't at all hurt and then managed to do 2 more trips down the terraces just fine. It is disappointing when you turn back and look at something you found hard as it seems much smaller looking up - but of course the difference comes from your eyes being a further 5+ feet off the ground than your skis! This really was a lesson in confidence.
After a brief sandwich we went back out for another hour of practice during which I found out one of the party, Caroline went to the same school as me and we were just 2 years apart. We are both in this photo! What a small world it is.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Wall to wall sunshine!
Group 2 had a good time as well. We started on an easy nursery slope to have a confident base to work up from and worked on some basic edging skills. Then we went up the Red Eggs (the Diable) and along what seemed to me to be a rather scary path that seemed to have a large drop off one edge (Route de Thuit). I was assured it was safe and afterwards was really pleased I'd done it. We arrived at the Cretes area and descended again in the White Eggs, (Jandri 1).
Group 3, the more advanced group spent their lesson on the Cretes and say they enjoyed themselves. After skiing we all retired to the Lutins Bar where a certain yogurt cake that I'd been asked to take went down well.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Ready for take-off
Thursday, 5 March 2009
A Skiing Trip is Planned
This is a report of that trip.
Catch the action as it happens!